Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Last Minute Trade Suggestions Week 3

 *Note: This post is related to fantasy gym and names specific gymnasts.  If you're uninterested in or uncomfortable with fantasy gym, feel free to pass by this post!  However, even if you're not playing fantasy gym, you may want to watch out for some of these gymnasts who are doing so well despite possibly being overlooked during the preseason!

If you're looking for gymnasts who may be available in your fantasy gym trading pool, these lists may give you a place to start.  I think I've been able to get the lists of all of the gymnasts drafted in the 118 public Gymlytics leagues.  The first tab includes gymnasts who are on teams in all but a few conferences.  (I think there may have been a few teams that were somehow dissolved before we even started, which explains some of the really big names being available in a conference or two.)

The next four tabs are gymnasts who are available in at least 10 leagues and have scored high scores least one event in weeks 1 through 3!  These lists include everyone who has scored the threshold for each event, so be sure to check for injury status, potential for making lineups, etc.  Thresholds are listed at the bottom of each sheet.


Google Doc Link

Friday, January 6, 2023

2023 Returners Career Score Counts and Percentages (10, 9.975, 9.95, ... ,9.8)

Google Doc Link


Number of Events with Scores includes any events a gymnast ever competed and received a score

Total Number of Scores is a count of all scores listed on for a given gymnast across all years competed

Not included (rosters not yet listed on as of 1/2/23): UW-Whitewater, Gustavus Adolphus

2025 NCAA Gymcastic Fantasy League Salaries and Scores

*Note: This post is related to fantasy gym and names specific gymnasts.  If you're uninterested in or uncomfortable with fantasy gym, ...