Thursday, November 7, 2019

International Gymnasts in the NCAA

Some tables, thanks to College Gym News' "Internationals in the NCAA" page-- check out their site for individual gymnasts and how the data was compiled!

(Gymnasts who transferred are included in both of their schools' totals.)

All International Gymnasts by School

Number of Unique Countries by School

Number of Canadians by School

Number of Non-Canadians by School

Schools with current programs with no international gymnasts listed

Air Force
Centenary College
North Carolina
UC Davis
UW-Eau Claire
West Chester


Monday, November 4, 2019

Top 2020 Returners 2016-2019






Repeats are removed, so that the top 10 are unique.  Ties for the tenth spot are included, and only 10's and 9.975's are included for the high scores.

The full list is available in a Google Doc here.  All data are taken from, with some corrections, as needed.  Class year listed is not always accurate or included, so the lists may contain some errors.  Additionally, gymnasts returning for a fifth year are included when known, so more may need to be added.

The last RTN ranking lists from each year are used, so Regionals and Nationals scores are not included.

2025 NCAA Gymcastic Fantasy League Salaries and Scores

*Note: This post is related to fantasy gym and names specific gymnasts.  If you're uninterested in or uncomfortable with fantasy gym, ...