Saturday, December 22, 2018

Best 4-3-2-1 Events - Mean RQS Unique

Best 4 Events Mean RQS

Best 3 Events Mean RQS (with those include in 4 events removed)

Best 2 Events Mean RQS (with those include in 4 or 3 events removed)

Best 1 Event RQS (with those include in 4, 3, or 2 events removed)

Best 4-3-2-1 Events - Mean RQS

Best 4 Events Mean RQS

Best 3 Events Mean RQS

Best 2 Events Mean RQS

 Best 1 Event RQS

2025 NCAA Gymcastic Fantasy League Salaries and Scores

*Note: This post is related to fantasy gym and names specific gymnasts.  If you're uninterested in or uncomfortable with fantasy gym, ...